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Dating In Real Life

Contemporary dating culture is a real bitch sometimes.

Last week, one of our readers wrote us through the ask page wondering where she could go in her hometown (Brooklyn, NY) to meet men who were actually interested in cultivating a real human-to-human relationship.

In an age of dwindling face-to-face interaction, this is an inquiry that most single adults can likely relate to.

I specifically advised this Brooklyn dater to check out some of my favorite Brooklyn spots like The Lot Radio and Freehold — as well as 61 Local, and the more unconventional venue that is The Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club.

But what about everyone else not located in Brooklyn? I asked our matchmaking team to weigh-in with any pointers for singles located throughout the rest of the country — and of course, they delivered.

Matchmaker Alyssa Bunn reminds us to take advantage of every day locales: “In line at Whole Foods. Opportunities are everywhere!”

Matchmaker Carena Liptak points out the utility of our furry friends: “Dog parks! Dogs are a great icebreaker and people who have them (typically) don’t fear commitment. Note: Don’t go to a dog park without a dog; that’s a creepy thing to do.”

My take?

If you’re looking for a serious relationship, it’s unlikely you’ll find a quality partner through a dating app (in my opinion).

I advise my friends to date “offline.”

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Offline dating requires that you cultivate your dating life outside of online means.

Join your city’s tennis club, join a culture club, go to local events (food tasting, wine tastings, galas, charity benefits). Spend your weekends at free festivals organized around your city (vintage festivals, craft festivals, car shows, art festivals, etc…).

In short, meet people in real time (and NOT at bars, if you can help it). Ask your friends to set you up. Take a risk and sign up for a speed dating event just to see who you’ll meet! Take some risks and have some dating adventures that are rooted in face-to-face interaction — because that is where the magic happens.

Love Wisely,

Valerie Presley Ackler
Editor, Heartalytics

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