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Guest Writers: Experts & Researchers in the field

Guest Writers: Experts & Researchers in the field


    The Origins of Hookup Culture

    Last week, The Washington Post featured an article by John Birger discussing the prevailing culture of casual hook ups and its present-day mascot–Tinder. According to Birger, the sexualized dating culture is symptomatic of shifting demographics among college graduates. This supply-and-demand explanation only paints a partial picture, however. A deeper dive into American demographic data renders this “dating crisis” increasingly unnerving…

    From the Experts

    The Origin Story, NYC

    Gotham. Metropolis. NYC. The super-dater who chooses this city has great responsibility ahead of him or her. There’s never a dull moment and a “date” can happen anywhere; standing on a corner in the east village or sitting next to someone on the subway. Fair warning, there will be trials and you may have to jump a few rooftops before you find your dazzling someone. New Yorkers have to be savvy. It takes the strength and stamina of a superhero to make it here. So come on Batman, let’s go find your Batgirl, Robin, Poison Ivy or…whoever it is you’re looking for…

    From the Experts

    Matchmaker Says: She’s Paleo, You’re A Vegan.

    Dear Matchmakers: I’m in love with a woman who follows a paleo diet, but I’m a 80-10-10 low-fat raw vegan/fruitarian, so we have fruits and vegetables in common for food. We’ve talked about having children; she says we’d have to decide on the best diet between us for feeding our future kids, but I don’t think she’ll side with mine, and I won’t side with her diet. We’ve also both stated that we didn’t think the other was our first priority type, but I’ve come to love her anyway, and she says she possibly could fall for me in the future, but in the mean time she’s going to look for her first type, and if she doesn’t find him, she knows she can come back to me. What do we do to resolve this situation? – Magician type Changer


    Wayfaring Dater: Dallas

    Strap on your boots and pull out your high intensity hairspray–we’re tackling dating in the big ‘D’!  Dallas has a great sense of appreciation for different cultures and the arts. If you have a pioneering spirit and you like the heat, this is your city. Don’t shy away from looking for a two-step partner to step out with here. Even though Texas is riddled with stereotypical types, there really is someone for everyone here; it’s not all gun-strapping men and busty blondes…

    Are you and your partner experiencing your first argument in your relationship? Then check out our guide on healthy arguing techniques for tips on resolving your conflicts.
    Late Start

    11 Best Ways to Handle Arguing in a Relationship

    Whether you’ve just experienced your first argument in a relationship or feel like you and your partner aren’t getting along as much as usual, you might be worried that you’re headed straight toward Splitsville. But the truth is, minor arguments are a natural part of any balanced, healthy relationship. In fact, if you weren’t having […]

    Feel like you’re losing faith in love and dating? Follow along for matchmaker advice on regaining your hope in dating.

    Losing Hope in Dating? Matchmaker Advice on How to Keep the Faith

    We hear a lot about the power of faith and how it can contribute to success in our lives, but what exactly is it? How can you harness it yourself? And how does it relate to your love life? Faith, by definition, requires confidence and/or trust coupled with a belief that an outcome will occur […]

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