Valerie Presley

Valerie Presley

    A Broken Heart

    Dating Instruction Roundup VIII

    Relationships aren’t fun. They’re an inherently not-fun thing you do with someone whom you often have fun with. Just as light is both a particle and a wave, lasting love is a choice as much as it is a feeling…

    Start Dating

    Reconnect: A Retreat For Men

    Lauren Korshak and her colleague, Jon Glancy, are the founders of a progressive retreat designed to confront the challenges the modern man faces. I sat down with Lauren to get the inside story on her brainchild called, Reconnect…


    Dating Etiquette: How To Make Introductions

    Since the blog’s founding, we’ve noticed a trend of questions indicating a general lack of mannerly behavior on dates. But what is the root cause here? Discussion with fellow Tawkify teammates has led to several possible explanations…

    Should your soulmate be your “opposite”? Find out how to find your compatible partner right here.

    Opposites Attract: Unveiling the Soulmates Connection

    Whether you like rom-coms or not, there’s something to be said about the role they play in people’s perception of finding love. In your search for a partner, you’re probably wondering if soulmates exist, how to find a person that fits you, and if opposites really do attract.  Read on for our take on the […]

    A Broken Heart

    To Reject & Be Rejected

    Rejection. At some point, we all have to dish it out–and we all have to take it. In matters of the heart, rejection is an even scarier monster. But why are we so afraid? Dr. Glenn Croston, author of “The Real Story of Risk,” attempts to answer this question in his recent article, The Thing We Fear More Than […]

    Start Dating

    Dating Instruction Roundup VII

    Unconditional, radical acceptance of each other — regardless of what anyone else thinks — may create deeper intimacy than socially-constructed commitments…


    Dating Instruction Roundup VI

    Because however exciting a new crush can be, making every effort to stay grounded is important too. In the early stages of a relationship, you can be at risk for “losing” yourself, and also for missing or dismissing cues (or warning signs) with implications to your potential long-term compatibility with this person…

    A Broken Heart

    Dating Instruction Roundup V

    A 2013 Gallup Poll indicated that while most Americans hoped someday to marry–if they hadn’t already –as many as 25% had no interest in ever doing so, concluding that marriage’s popularity is…


    Why We Lose Interest In People Who Show Too Much Interest In Us

    We’ve come to associate courting with a chase. We secretly enjoy the thrills and lows that come with love you have to fight to earn. It makes us feel like we’re getting something worth our efforts. We need to know that there is value in something before we can invest in it…


    Dating Instruction Roundup IV

    They found that women generally felt more connected if a man took active interest in their conversation, by focusing on her and chiming in to ask questions about what she was saying – interrupting, but in a good way. Women also liked it when men laughed right after they did, and when they said complimentary things. Men, on the other hand…

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