Late Start

Are you entering the 40+ dating world? Matchmakers explain the advantages of dating after 40 and the do’s and don’ts so that you’re set up for success.
Late Start

Advantages of Dating After 40 According to Expert Matchmakers

Dating at any time of life is a journey. Whether you’re 20, 30, or 70, there are always highs and lows involved in the search for a partner. While there are many misconceptions about dating “later” in life, the truth of the matter is this: You can find romance no matter your age. Discover the […]

Late Start

Ask Renée: Plus-size And Over 50

I decided to write about my adoration of curvy women because there may be more than a few of them out there who don’t know that there are attractive men who want to date them, or lust after them … or marry them…

Late Start

A Simple, Down To Earth Love

Our love is not ballads And love notes and sonnets: Our love is what we choose every morningWhen you kiss my forehead before work. Our love is an endless array of dinners I make for you, waiting for you to come homeFrom work. Or the meals we make together. We indulge in this lovely Domesticity with each other. Feeding each other, body, […]

Late Start

The Great Killer of Relationships

Last week a good friend of mine went on a third date with a lady, with which he was quite smitten. Due to unforeseen traffic he was 15 minutes late. He made it to her front step and was about to knock when she swung open the door and exclaimed, “You’re late—you didn’t have second thoughts about coming, did you?”  Killer Point 1…

Are you and your partner experiencing your first argument in your relationship? Then check out our guide on healthy arguing techniques for tips on resolving your conflicts.
Late Start

11 Best Ways to Handle Arguing in a Relationship

Whether you’ve just experienced your first argument in a relationship or feel like you and your partner aren’t getting along as much as usual, you might be worried that you’re headed straight toward Splitsville. But the truth is, minor arguments are a natural part of any balanced, healthy relationship. In fact, if you weren’t having […]

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