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How To Find Love In All The Right Places

Marisha DixonMarisha Dixon
Marisha Dixon
(Updated )
2 min read


Paul C. Brunson, author of It’s Complicated (But It Doesn’t Have to Be): A Modern Guide to Finding and Keeping Love, hates Valentine’s Day. Find out why on the first episode of Tawk To Me, hosted by Tawkify Matchmaker, Marisha Dixon.

Join Marisha and Paul as they take on the concept of self-love, the pressures of Valentine’s Day, and how to find love in all the right places.

We especially loved Paul’s 5 step strategy for finding love…and just in case you are too busy to watch the entire video, we’ve highlighted his process below for easy consumption:

  1. First, love yourself.
  2. Be willing to be vulnerable.
  3. Expend the effort to actually meet people.
  4. Get clarity on how to determine if someone is a good fit for you.
  5. Remain consistent in your effort of all of the above.

Happy Valentine’s Day singletons, daters and lovers!

Be on the lookout for the next episode of Tawk To Me, where Marisha will be interviewing a panel of matchmaking and relationship experts about establishing relationships in the 21st century.


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