The Best Dating Advice from Reddit 2024: Top Tips and Insights

These days, you can find dating advice just about anywhere, from your next-door neighbor to an Instagram post. But did you know that you can also find modern dating tips on Reddit? 

Before you get scared away (there are a lot of people offering up good and not-so-good advice on Reddit—we get it!), take a minute to gain some insights from our list of compiled Reddit dating tips in 2024. So, instead of checking every subreddit yourself, we’ve done the hard work for you by finding the best dating tips from real people in real dating journeys.

Why Reddit Is a Gold Mine for Dating Advice

One look at Reddit, and you’ll see that everyone talks about everything—and we mean everything. Among the many topics covered on the news and social network is dating and relationship advice, which people turn to for help with their own romantic journeys. But why are dating subreddits so popular?

The diversity of perspectives and experiences

With 2.1 billion global Reddit visitors in December 2023, it makes sense that one of the main draws for people looking to the online forum for dating advice is the diversity of perspectives and experiences. After all, with that much online traffic from individuals, there’s sure to be different opinions, deeper discussions, and challenged perspectives. This feature of Reddit makes it intriguing to many people in need of dating advice—because they’re getting their issue outside of their smaller social circle and into the minds and hearts of people who might have a different take.

Reddit’s anonymity fosters honesty

Most Reddit users use pseudonyms for their usernames, which makes posting in online forums less intimidating because your real name isn’t used. While this anonymity can potentially create other issues (like harassment, in some cases), it also helps people feel more comfortable with sharing the intimate corners of their life with the online community without the fear of being recognized. Some of the best dating tips and conversations on Reddit are those that are honest, raw, and real—facilitated through anonymity.

Top Dating Tips from Reddit in 2024

Ready for the top dating advice from Reddit? We’ve combed through posts from 2024 that have resonated with other Reddit members.

Most upvoted advice: What works in modern dating

On Reddit, when people think a comment is helpful, relevant, and contributes to the conversation, they can upvote; on the flip side, if people don’t agree with someone’s comment, they can downvote. Here, we’ve compiled some of the most upvoted dating advice from Reddit in 2024: 

  • On being disappointed that a first date told them there was no spark: “Before you go on your next dates, go in with no expectations to see them for who they are, let them show you who they are then go from there.” (272 upvotes)
  • On liking a person until they see their Instagram posts: “You’re under no obligation to go on another date with her if you don’t want to. Just say that you changed your mind and you wish her the best.” (3,000 upvotes)
  • On dating someone who hasn’t been in a relationship before: “Underrated thing about dating inexperienced people is that you’re going to be their first full romantic love. Those who have been in other relationships may take much, much longer to finally open up.” (720 upvotes)
  • On asking about common blindspots men have in dating: “One thing I notice in my least successful friends, is they talk way too much about themselves, and take way too little interest in who they’re trying to woo.” (2,400 upvotes)
  • On wondering if they should pursue someone they hooked up with: “I think there was something there. No harm in reaching out and seeing if she’s interested.” (1,100 upvotes)
  • On being concerned about a boyfriend continuing to mention their race: “As another Asian woman, your boyfriend is clearly [fetishizing] you and I feel uncomfortable about this. You need to address this to him that his comments are making you uncomfortable.” (1,800 upvotes)
  • On interpreting a breakup message before a second date: “I interpret this as closure which a lot of people can’t manage to do in this day and age.” (3,000 upvotes)

Popular Reddit threads and discussions on dating

As anyone who has peeked into the Reddit world knows, there are a lot of subreddits, and in those subreddits are threads and discussions branching off. Here are some of the top dating insights and conversations found in several subreddits, based on the number of upvotes.

In the subreddit r/AskReddit, people share what’s hard about dating for them. Some comments have more than 10,000 upvotes, with topics ranging from not being able to open up to needing alone time or dealing with low self-esteem.

In the subreddit r/unpopularopinion, there is a discussion about if approaching someone in person is still the best approach to dating. Commenters weigh in on when in-person approaches work, what the current perspectives are, how online dating apps have affected the dynamics of dating, and how a healthy dose of rejection and taking a risk can be helpful.

In the subreddit r/Money, one person posted about making nearly triple the income that his girlfriend makes and asked how to navigate relationship finances. This question garnered hundreds of responses, some of which have thousands of upvotes. Comments discuss how finances can change over time, how salary shouldn’t affect partner potential, that good communication is key to avoiding resentment, and more.

Real-Life Dating Experiences Shared on Reddit

Reddit dating experiences comprise just about any scenario you can think of. But here, we’ve decided to highlight people’s success stories and how they would approach common dating pitfalls.

Success stories: What made them work

While romcoms are great for inspiring feelings of hope and romance, sometimes it’s nice to hear from real people about their dating success stories. Here are some dating stories from Reddit and what made them work:

  • Keeping an open mind: One person recalls how they were starting to experience burnout from a dating app but decided to go on one more coffee date, which turned out to be successful. The person thinks that the key to their success was going out with someone they typically wouldn’t have.
  • Taking a risk: Someone who was divorced with kids writes how they had since gone out with a woman who they didn’t feel any sparks with. The woman texted saying that the person would be great for her sister. Instead of shying away from a potentially awkward situation, the Reddit commenter decided to reach out to the sister, who turned out to be their future spouse.
  • Being true to yourself: Another person mentions how they thought they were doing with online dating, then met their future husband on an app. They believe that the ticket to having a successful dating journey is being honest with what you want and not settling for anything less.

Common dating pitfalls and how to avoid them

In addition to dating success stories, Reddit commenters also share real-world dating advice to help avoid common dating pitfalls:

  • Pitfall: Ignoring red flags: Someone talks about how they stayed with their partner for too long because they thought they would change. They ignored the red flags from the very beginning of their relationship, only to realize that those red flags were still there years in. This person recommends listening to your gut and paying attention to things about the other person that make you think twice.
  • Pitfall: Valuing companionship over true connection: Another Reddit commenter recalls how they convinced their partner to stay in the relationship, even though it wasn’t in either of their best interests. They remember how anxiously attached they were to their partner. Years later, they know that experiencing reciprocal love and having secure attachments are key.
  • Pitfall: Not sticking to your own timeline: One person notes how they would do things a little differently regarding timelines, like becoming exclusive, moving in together, and so on. They would have liked to take things more slowly instead of chasing the next phase.

The Best Subreddits for Dating Advice

Here are some of the most popular subreddits for dating advice.

r/dating_advice: A hub for all things dating

r/dating_advice has more than 4.5 million members and is in the top 1% of Reddit communities. People post about specific dating situations and then others weigh in, either sharing similar experiences or advice about how to navigate them.

r/relationships: Navigating the complexities of love

With about 3.5 million members, r/relationships is another top subreddit for people who want to share or get advice about various relationship situations. This community is all about how to handle specific dynamics in interpersonal, romantic relationships.

r/OkCupid and r/Tinder: Tips for online dating platforms

r/OkCupid, with more than 255,000 members, and r/Tinder, with nearly 6 million members, are two subreddit communities for people to discuss app features, share online dating advice and experiences, and generally just dish about all things dating apps. 

How to Apply Reddit’s Dating Advice in Real Life

Applying advice to your own dating journey might seem easy on the surface, but there are some tips to keep in mind.

Turning tips into actionable strategies

When scanning relationship advice on Reddit, try not to take it all in at once and start using every useful nugget this second. That’s like having a goal and applying every single step to reach that goal at the same time (in other words, not helpful or sustainable). 

Instead, remember or write down the advice that resonates with you most. Then, set clear, actionable steps to implement each piece of advice in your own dating life.

Adapting advice to your unique dating situation

As with many types of advice, take all the modern dating tips on Reddit with a grain of salt. Everyone’s dating and relationship journeys and specific situations are different, so what works for one person might not work for you. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you adapt Reddit dating advice: 

  • Can this be applied to my unique situation? If so, do I need to tweak it a bit to fit my or my partner’s personality or communication style? 
  • What is the context for this advice? Did the commenter have a similar situation, or were some of the details different? 
  • Will applying this advice help me to be more [confident, respectful, empowered, self-aware, etc.]? 
  • Is there a scenario in which this advice would hurt someone else? If so, how might I adjust my approach so that my needs are met while still respecting others? 

How Tawkify Can Help You Navigate the Dating World

Navigating the world of dating is hard enough—so why not have a trusted matchmaker by your side to help you in your search? 

Complementing Reddit’s advice with personalized matchmaking

While you can comb through real-world dating advice on Reddit all day long, sometimes it’s nice to have the help of a dedicated matchmaker who can distill all types of dating tips into applicable, true-to-you steps. Your journey to finding a partner is unique, so you need a personalized approach to match. And that’s where Tawkify comes in. 

Tawkify matchmakers have helped many relationship-ready singles find their person through a refreshing approach that features hand-selected matches and blind dates. Relying on Reddit advice might not be good enough—make sure to complement your dating journey with a Tawkify matchmaker.

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