Radha Kistler

Radha Kistler


    In Simplistic Terms

    I want the Bay Area again.  I want black coffee And your arms around me. I want us drunk on dark beer Or red wine and fresh bread…


    The Gift Of Time

    This year, I want to give you The gift of more time. I want your arms around me As we gaze at the sea…


    To Be Zen

    You gorgeous man You sunset, You dream. You paint a landscape imageAcross the long blank space of my mind I meditate on you, daily. A calming practice Renewing me. Radha Kistler Author of Heartalytics series–Matchmaker Musings

    Late Start

    A Simple, Down To Earth Love

    Our love is not ballads And love notes and sonnets: Our love is what we choose every morningWhen you kiss my forehead before work. Our love is an endless array of dinners I make for you, waiting for you to come homeFrom work. Or the meals we make together. We indulge in this lovely Domesticity with each other. Feeding each other, body, […]

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