Valerie Presley

Valerie Presley

    A Broken Heart

    Don’t Get Crushed

    When you have a serious crush, it’s a feeling like no other. You catch yourself smiling for no reason and your world feels lighter, somehow sparkly. Thinking about your crush, you’re elated. Like a person with a magical secret. You could fly around your kitchen! It’s wonderful… and nerve wracking.  Falling for someone new is often a time of extreme energy and wonder mixed with goodly portions of self-doubt and anxiety. You’re smitten. Enchanted. Utterly charmed. Now what? During this fantastically magic time, try to keep the following in mind…


    The Best Advice I Can Give You

    This week I’m going to keep it short, but sweet.  I’m often asked for dating tips and pointers–no matter the exact topic of discussion the “meat” of my return message seems to boil down to one thing…

    Late Start

    The Great Killer of Relationships

    Last week a good friend of mine went on a third date with a lady, with which he was quite smitten. Due to unforeseen traffic he was 15 minutes late. He made it to her front step and was about to knock when she swung open the door and exclaimed, “You’re late—you didn’t have second thoughts about coming, did you?”  Killer Point 1…

    The internet is a fantastic tool for writing a thesis, but should it be used to compose a 15-page, pre-introduction memoir on a potential romantic interest’s life story?

    5 Ways to Avoid the Cliff of Contemporary Dating

    I have a friend who dates online… a lot. You could say she’s popular. She gets out again and again because she’s fabulous–which is obvious, even through a screen. Yet she arrives each time preloaded with every personal detail about her date–their hometown, full legal name, and family history–often even their annual income and whether […]

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