
Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.


Dating Industry Broadcast X

OKCupid joins a growing corporate backlash against neo-Nazis in the U.S. after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va…


Dating Industry Broadcast IX

Love is a universal thing. Dating, not so much. Going out, hookups and relationships in countries and cities around the world are not exactly the same as what singles experience in New York City…


Dating Industry Broadcast VIII

In a society obsessed with physical appearance, sexual attraction for some people is based on intellect, and not necessarily on looks…


Dating Industry Broadcast VII

Last week, developer Stuart Colianni uploaded a data set representing tens of thousands of ‘scraped’ Tinder profile photos to the machine learning and data science platform Kaggle, which Google recently snapped up…

Want to know what the best day for a first date is? We’ve got all the answers right here. Read on to find out the best day to date.

Data Reveals the Best Day to Date

So, you’ve met someone and want to plan a date. Maybe the venue or activity is top of mind or even the outfit you’ll wear to dress to impress. But have you ever stopped to think about the best day to date?  Tawkify thought about it, too. To get the deets on the best day […]


Tawk To Me: Introduction

Tawk To Me is a monthly, digital interview series that will kick off Valentine’s Day with mentor, entrepreneur and TV Host, Paul C. Brunson. Get The Scoop and be sure to check back Feb. 14th…


Dating Instruction Roundup VI

Because however exciting a new crush can be, making every effort to stay grounded is important too. In the early stages of a relationship, you can be at risk for “losing” yourself, and also for missing or dismissing cues (or warning signs) with implications to your potential long-term compatibility with this person…


Dating Instruction Roundup IV

They found that women generally felt more connected if a man took active interest in their conversation, by focusing on her and chiming in to ask questions about what she was saying – interrupting, but in a good way. Women also liked it when men laughed right after they did, and when they said complimentary things. Men, on the other hand…


The Tawkify Process: A Client’s Perspective

Lately, the team has been challenged with the concept of “reviews.” It’s a bit unnatural for us to occupy the “review” space, as one of Tawkify’s main cornerstones is client privacy. We don’t want our client’s to compromise their privacy to share about their experiences. However, we recognize that reviews are an integral component in the decision-making process as people consider working with us…


The Heart Beat: Antidote to Online Dating

Does it shock you to learn that an estimated 85% of online dating profiles are inaccurate? If you’ve been dating online, probably not.  If you haven’t, it probably makes you wonder – yet again – why so many people trust their love lives to the impersonal, unpredictable algorithms of cyberspace social. If it’s hard to “judge a person by a profile” in the first place, and most people are lying in the profiles or posting 10-year old photos on top of that, then… what’s the point, right? I don’t know of a single person (pun intended) on a dating site who hasn’t experienced that appallingly awkward moment when they approach their intended date-in-the-flesh for the first time, and realize…

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