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Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.


Tawk To Me: Introduction

Tawk To Me is a monthly, digital interview series that will kick off Valentine’s Day with mentor, entrepreneur and TV Host, Paul C. Brunson. Get The Scoop and be sure to check back Feb. 14th…


Dating Instruction Roundup VI

Because however exciting a new crush can be, making every effort to stay grounded is important too. In the early stages of a relationship, you can be at risk for “losing” yourself, and also for missing or dismissing cues (or warning signs) with implications to your potential long-term compatibility with this person…


Dating Instruction Roundup IV

They found that women generally felt more connected if a man took active interest in their conversation, by focusing on her and chiming in to ask questions about what she was saying – interrupting, but in a good way. Women also liked it when men laughed right after they did, and when they said complimentary things. Men, on the other hand…


The Heart Beat: Antidote to Online Dating

Does it shock you to learn that an estimated 85% of online dating profiles are inaccurate? If you’ve been dating online, probably not.  If you haven’t, it probably makes you wonder – yet again – why so many people trust their love lives to the impersonal, unpredictable algorithms of cyberspace social. If it’s hard to “judge a person by a profile” in the first place, and most people are lying in the profiles or posting 10-year old photos on top of that, then… what’s the point, right? I don’t know of a single person (pun intended) on a dating site who hasn’t experienced that appallingly awkward moment when they approach their intended date-in-the-flesh for the first time, and realize…


A Blessing Or A Warning

Can a life or a relationship be boiled down to a pithy one liner? Could any of your past relationships be characterized in this way? And if so, who decides in retrospect? Does it boil down to choice or interpretation, or both…


Should You Be Alone Under The Mistletoe?

If you’re a dater, or in a newish relationship, the holiday social circuit poses a certain dilemma: To bring the new guy/gal or not to bring. Should you bring a plus one who isn’t your regular squeeze or committed partner to “your” holiday events?…


The Best Advice I Can Give You

This week I’m going to keep it short, but sweet.  I’m often asked for dating tips and pointers–no matter the exact topic of discussion the “meat” of my return message seems to boil down to one thing…


The Heart Beat: To Date or To Wait

Should the cooling off period vary relative to the length of the relationship, or the severity or trauma of the break up — or is everyone different, and there’s just no empirical way to know how long one should wait…


To Be Zen

You gorgeous man You sunset, You dream. You paint a landscape imageAcross the long blank space of my mind I meditate on you, daily. A calming practice Renewing me. Radha Kistler Author of Heartalytics series–Matchmaker Musings


Fire Girl

She slept on the kitchen floor.  Eyes tear-streaked, her eyeliner and mascara smudged around her eyes. Her hands were dirty, and her arms, though skinny, were well muscled, as though she’s seen some hard work. There was something interesting about her face that made me linger longer than necessary–considering the reason I had come into the kitchen in the first place, due to the alarmingly loud beeping from the smoke detector. I found the cause of the wailing: the stove was on, and a dishrag near the stove had caught fire. What the in the Hell…? Stepping over the figure, I quickly put out the fire and squinted at the microwave, shivering in only my boxers. 5:30am. On a Sunday. Wonderful…


The Gift Of Time

This year, I want to give you The gift of more time. I want your arms around me As we gaze at the sea…


Delist Your Love Life

There is a common myth frequently harbored by those seeking love: it’s dangerous, it’s misleading, and it masquerades itself as discernment. This article is for every one of you who’ve declared: “I know what I want.” Well…no, you don’t…

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