

Wanting Monogamy as 1,946 Men Await My Swipe

> Dating apps are the courtship equivalent of next-day shipping, where you don’t > have to twiddle your thumbs and wait for an adequate romantic prospect to > drift by. They release a flood of potential suitors, your inbox notifications > flashing red with heartbeats of their own…


Dating Industry Broadcast VI

A new survey from Wandera, found that dating app use on work-issued devices has spiked 69% in the last year, as reported by Mashable…


Dating Industry Broadcast IV

After Donald Trump was elected president, Maple Match, an online dating app which connects Canadians and Americans, was inundated with people signing up. The app promised to make it easy for Americans to find a Canadian partner to save them…


The 3 Sexiest Words Anyone Can Say

When the Good Men Project published The Sexiest 3 Words a Man Can Say to a Woman it stirred up some buzz. Newly minted Heartalytics contributor, Christine Hart, picked up the beat over a radio show and shares her take on the story…


Dating Industry Broadcast III

In 2011, I was asked to speak at a panel event called “Battle of the Sexes,” where men and women came together to discuss and debate hot topics regarding sex, love, and dating. As the discussion turned towards the topic, “What is the worst first date experience you’ve had recently?” I kinda shocked everyone by saying that I had none…


Dating Etiquette: How To Make Introductions

Since the blog’s founding, we’ve noticed a trend of questions indicating a general lack of mannerly behavior on dates. But what is the root cause here? Discussion with fellow Tawkify teammates has led to several possible explanations…


Dating Industry Broadcast II

Methods of finding a partner have changed dramatically over the decades (and indeed centuries). If you’re worrying that this ‘new normal’ is only for those who grew up with a smartphone, remember – digital dating is just the latest evolutionary step…


Dating Industry Broadcast I

The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast…

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