Start Dating

First Date Advice for those who are planning for their first date with someone new. This may be your first time going on a first date in a long time or perhaps you are seeking expert advice on how to land the second date. This advice for first dates will help you navigate through the dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.

Looking to try virtual dating for the first time? Our guide covers our top virtual dating tips to help put you on the path toward success.
Start Dating

Virtual Dating Do’s and Don’ts: 8 Tips for Dating Success

Virtual dating is often something that’s associated with the global pandemic when everyone was hunkered down inside and unable to go out and meet people in person. However, virtual dating has actually occurred long before (and long after!) the days of lockdown.  What exactly is virtual dating? It’s simply the act of meeting and interacting […]

Discover why confidence is attractive and more important than looks. Learn why humble confidence is key to success when it comes to dating.
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Why Confidence is Attractive (& More Important than Looks)

I am quite sure we have all met an outwardly beautiful person, who became less attractive, in our opinion, if their personality was unpleasant, unkind, or toxic. Just as a person we hadn’t really noticed at first became alluring if they were charismatic and exuded confidence. Have you ever seen a handsome guy or girl […]

Breaking up and moving on from a relationship can be tricky. To help, we’ve created a helpful guide with eight tips on how to get over an ex.
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How To Move On From An Ex – 8 Tips To Getting Over Ex

No matter if it was a mutual split or drama-filled mess, breakups can be tough. Even if you know deep down you don’t belong with your ex, you still might find yourself thinking about them or obsessing over what could have been. After all, you dedicated a lot of time and energy to that relationship, […]

Wondering what's appropriate first date etiquette? This guide covers everything so you can make a great first impression.
Start Dating

Tawkify Guide: First Date Etiquette

The first date is a crucial stage. It sets the tone for future dates and relationships. If the date goes well, then there is a high chance of moving into something more serious. Knowing how to conduct oneself on a first date is no longer optional, and displaying proper etiquette is an absolute necessity. The […]

Want to make sure your first date goes well? Here are seven tips that will help you have an enjoyable and successful first date
Start Dating

7 Tips for a Successful First Date

Dating has evolved – it is not as simple as it once was. As dating has changed, the advice around dating should be updated to keep with the times. It’s not all about pulling out a chair and getting reservations at a five-star restaurant. Being kind and generous may secure a date, but be sure […]

Going on a first date and don’t know where to start the convo? These 12 first-date conversation starters are sure to set you up for success!
Start Dating

Avoiding Awkward Silence – 12 First Date Conversation Starters

Let’s face it: First dates can be nerve-wracking. From wondering if you’re dressed for success to navigating that first-date awkwardness (Do we kiss? Do we shake hands?), the pressure is real.  But don’t let that get in the way of a potentially successful date. All you need is some first-date conversation starters to help you […]

Yes, dating in your 30s is different than dating in your 20s, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Follow our guide for advice on finding a match later in life.
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A Guide to Dating in Your 30s in 2024

Dating in your 30s can be tricky as it is. With a shrinking candidate pool and fewer opportunities to meet people, there seems to be a shortage of potential partners to choose from as more people are off the market. If you’ve found yourself newly single and navigating the dating scene after a long-term relationship, […]

Start Dating

COVID Chronicles: Date Planning in 2021

It’s 2021 – loungewear is the new office-wear and pajamas are close behind. We’re here to remind you that COVID dating is about good communication, pre-planning and a little creativity…

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