Start Dating

First Date Advice for those who are planning for their first date with someone new. This may be your first time going on a first date in a long time or perhaps you are seeking expert advice on how to land the second date. This advice for first dates will help you navigate through the dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.

Learn practical steps to handle breadcruming and find genuine connections in today's dating scene with tips from expert matchmakers.
Start Dating

5 Steps to Stop The String-Along

Breadcrumbing, ghosting, zombie-ing…what’s next, “vamping?” In modern dating, there are limitless ways to reject and be rejected, and no childhood fairy tale nor mythical creature is safe from losing its innocence. Ghosting is when someone stops responding to you altogether without explanation; zombie-ing is when a ghost re-initiates contact, effectively rising from the dead. And […]

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Best of: National Singles Week

If you missed National Singles Week, don’t panic! We have all the major takeaways and top-tips from the week summarized in a handy guide right here on Heartalytics…

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To Pursue & Be Pursued

I get it. We all want love, and it’s complicated. But, if your pure and genuine efforts to let a man know you’re interested are being lost in translation, this article is for you.  Guys: what do you think about all this?  Think about the first dates you’ve had. Were you so eager to make a […]

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Crash Course On Crush Talk

Our Director of Matchmaking, Julia Armet, is more than just a pretty face — she knows her stuff. So, when Elite Daily came to her for advice on playing it cool with a crush, she obviously crushed it. Julia joins dating coach Stef Safran in These Techniques Make Talking To Your Crush Easy When You Feel Awkward AF…

Start Dating

Solo Trip Series: Cuba

Our very own wander woman, Olivia Balsinger, details her solo travels across the globe as a model for us to follow. Next stop? Cuba…

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