Boundaries in a Relationship: How to Define & Keep Them

Setting boundaries in relationships is rarely easy. After all, communicating your needs and preferences can be a vulnerable process, and sticking to the limits you set can feel like an uphill battle. 

If you’re trying to understand how to set physical or emotional boundaries in relationships, there are a few things that can help you along: learning about why boundaries are important in the first place, clearly identifying and communicating them to your partner, and knowing what to do if a boundary is violated.

What Are Boundaries in a Relationship?

Boundaries are the invisible lines that we place around ourselves to protect our interests, preferences, and needs. They are typically set in terms of other people’s behaviors—in this case, a partner’s behaviors—laying out how we want to be treated.

Understanding the Importance of Boundaries

Identifying and maintaining personal boundaries means that you’re prioritizing your needs. It keeps you from being “walked over” or disrespected in your social interactions and relationships. For that reason, when it comes to your romantic relationship, boundaries are crucial for preserving your well-being and developing a healthy partnership where both people are respected. 

  • Boundaries foster trust and security by providing a safe space for partners to be themselves and have their needs met without judgment. 
  • Boundaries maintain respect through validating one another’s preferences and limits, creating a mutual understanding.
  • Boundaries protect independence by helping individuals prioritize themselves when needed, set aside time for themselves, and maintain their sense of identity in a relationship.
  • Boundaries nurture closeness through the development of healthy attachments and emotional intimacy.

Different Types of Boundaries

Healthy relationship boundaries can range from emotional to physical and even extend to the digital and financial realms. Here are some examples of what these boundaries might look like in the context of a relationship: 

  • Emotional: Not putting up with emotional manipulation or guilt-tripping, refusing to engage until a partner stops yelling, asking for validation—not judgment—when expressing feelings, setting aside certain times to discuss issues
  • Physical: Expressing when you need to be alone, setting limits around PDA, reserving time after work to decompress, having sexual intimacy boundaries
  • Digital: Setting expectations for how often you can really text during work hours, creating “no-phone” mealtimes, allowing (or not allowing) access to passwords
  • Financial: Respecting your joint and separate financial priorities and goals, sticking to budgets

How to Define Boundaries in Your Relationship

Now that you understand the importance of setting boundaries in relationships, it’s time to unpack how to define and set them in your own relationship.

Reflect on Your Personal Needs and Limits

The first step in relationship boundary setting is self-reflection. This will help you better understand your needs, values, and preferences and how they play into your romantic relationships. 

Consider any areas where you feel resentment or frustration. Are those areas where you could try setting a boundary? Perhaps you even feel exhausted or confused when you’re with someone in certain situations. This could be another opportunity to identify why you feel this way and try enacting a boundary to see if the situation improves. 

A helpful exercise is to look back on past relationships, which can inform your approach to boundary setting in a current or future partnership. Were there any aspects of a past relationship that made you feel violated, overwhelmed, disrespected, and so on? What boundaries did you put in place to mitigate these feelings and situations? Did they work, and if not, how might you tweak or add to them so that your needs are met in a future relationship? 

Communicate Boundaries with Your Partner

Even though you may already have a few boundaries in mind for your relationship, sometimes you don’t know what line to set until it’s been crossed. This is where communication and boundaries go hand in hand. 

For example, perhaps your partner immediately starts venting about their day the moment you walk through the door, which makes you feel bombarded and overwhelmed. You realize that you need a few minutes when you get home every night to decompress and let the stress of the workday wash away—before helping your partner process their day. Communicate this to your partner and express your needs. 

Boundaries aren’t always a one-sided decision. In some situations, you and your partner may need to have a conversation about both of your needs in order to come up with specific boundaries that serve both of you. 

Set Clear and Specific Boundaries

Once you have reflected and communicated with your partner, it’s time to set healthy relationship boundaries. The key here is to make sure that they’re clear and specific to avoid any future confusion. 

One of the best tips for boundaries in relationships is to use “I” statements. So, for example, you could say, “I feel overwhelmed when you schedule social activities every night of the week. I need at least two nights per week just the two of us or spent by myself.” This boundary is clear and uses specifics to help the other partner know exactly where you draw the line and precisely what you need to feel safe.

Maybe you already know a boundary that cannot be crossed and don’t need to relate it directly to your partner’s actions using an “I” statement. You can simply say, “I don’t feel comfortable trying that” or “I’m not ready to do that yet; let’s discuss this again another time.” With this example, you are making your concerns known. 

How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries

Maintaining boundaries in love is crucial for both partners to feel safe and secure, respected, and satisfied. Here’s how to do it.

Respect Each Other’s Boundaries

Relationship respect and boundaries are closely connected, as you can’t maintain boundaries without respect. You need to feel comfortable expressing your limits and needs while also being open to listening to your partner’s boundaries. By creating a safe space in which to discuss and create boundaries, you’re both setting yourselves up for developing deeper mutual respect.

It may take some time to adjust to a new boundary, and both people may slip up along the way. It’s crucial to own up to mistakes and continually work toward keeping each other’s boundaries as a way to foster trust and strengthen your relationship.

Regularly Revisit and Adjust Boundaries

Boundaries don’t have to be rigid rules that dictate your relationship forever. You change, your partner changes, and boundaries can evolve along with them.

Once you start noticing how your boundary is working—or not—decide if anything about the set limit needs to change. Check in with your partner, discuss how both of your boundaries are being acted on, and work through any adjustments that need to be made. 

Another scenario in which you might adjust a boundary is if you’ve had a change of heart about something. It’s important here to avoid confusing your significant other by suddenly “changing the rules” that they’ve abided by. Communicate with them, and decide if dropping or adjusting the boundary makes sense.

Recognize and Address Boundary Violations

You may be able to recognize when a boundary is being crossed by tuning in to how you feel, both emotionally and physically. Common signs of a boundary being violated include anxiety, sadness, resentment, frustration, and feeling pressured.

When a boundary has been violated, take these steps to address it with your partner: 

  1. Bring their attention to the boundary that has been crossed, and express how the violation makes you feel using “I” statements. 
  2. Ask yourself if this is the first time they’ve violated your boundary. If so, try to give them grace. It may take awhile to adjust their behavior.
  3. If they are a repeat offender, remain steadfast in keeping your boundary. Be consistent with the “consequences” you enact. 
  4. If their behavior continues or worsens, consider seeking help from a couple’s counselor therapist. It’s also important to know when it’s time to call it quits on an unhealthy relationship.

Note that emotional and physical abuse are never ok in a relationship. These are non-negotiable boundaries.

Common Challenges in Setting and Keeping Boundaries

Setting boundaries in relationships can be intimidating. After all, you can only control yourself; you can’t control how people will react. But there are ways to overcome the challenges that come with setting these limits with someone you love.

Overcoming Fear of Rejection or Conflict

If you struggle with a fear of rejection, relationship boundary setting may be particularly difficult—because you’re setting a rule that your partner may not like or agree with, and there may be a risk that the boundary will push them away. But this fear does not mean that it will become a reality. It’s not worth deprioritizing your needs just to keep your partner happy because, over time, your lack of satisfaction may result in a strained relationship. The same goes for individuals who are conflict averse. 

The fact is that implementing a boundary can naturally cause some tension, as one person gets accustomed to respecting their partner’s request. Be prepared for a little conflict or tension, but remember that the potential positive outcome will be worth standing your ground. 

Dealing with Boundary Pushback

When you’re dealing with two unique people, with different needs and preferences, boundaries are likely to be pushed. If one of your boundaries is being pushed or straight-up violated, refer back to our tips for addressing boundary violations. Sometimes, it might even be worth coming up with a compromise (except with the non-negotiables) that works for both of you. Regardless of whether compromise is on the table or not, keep in mind that standing your ground can produce positive results and lead to a healthier, respect-filled relationship in the long run.

How Tawkify Can Help You Strengthen Your Relationship

Tawkify’s personalized matchmaking and relationship coaching services can help couples establish and maintain healthy boundaries for a stronger, more balanced relationship.Tawkify not only makes it easy to search for and find your person, but we also help our clients develop strong dating and relationship skills. Along their matchmaking journey, every client has access to certified relationship coaches, who understand the connection of relationship trust and boundaries and who can guide singles toward the healthy relationship of their dreams through practical advice and a listening, empathetic ear.

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