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A Broken Heart

When it comes to mending your broken heart, reading some healing quotes can help. For inspiration, check out our guide to the best getting over a broken heart quotes.
A Broken Heart

48 Getting Over a Broken Heart Quotes to Help You Heal & Move On

Heartbreak hurts, but that pain does eventually go away. With time, you’ll slowly begin to heal and start to feel less lonely. However, if you’re in the midst of a breakup, you might be in search of some inspiration to overcome the breakup blues, and that’s where healing quotes can help. After all, nearly everyone […]

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume I

Since launch in June 2015, Heartalytics has published A LOT of great advice, research and original storytelling. As editor, I felt it would be helpful to our readers to create a monthly snapshot of past content. This isn’t just any past content, of course…  Look to these snapshots for quick, no nonsense tips that get right to the heart of the matter…a dating instruction roundup, if you will.  Enjoy these short, sage snippets of input and encouragement on us…

The path to healing after a heartbreak starts with recognizing the stages of a breakup and learning how to cope with each one. Read this empathetic guide on how to heal after a breakup.
A Broken Heart

Healing after Heartbreak – Stages of a Breakup

Navigating a post-breakup landscape can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. It might seem like you’re ping-ponging from confusion to anger to sadness and then back again. All of these emotions are part of the stages of a breakup, and learning about them is important for the healing process.  Here, we delve into what each […]

Being ghosted can be hurtful and confusing. Learn why it happens and how to deal with it with our tried-and-true tips.
A Broken Heart

Being Ghosted – What it Means & How to Move On

From love bombing to situationship, there is a lot of modern dating lingo to keep up with. But one that you should definitely understand is “ghosting.” What is being ghosted, and how do you deal with it if it happens to you?  We’re here not only to talk about this unfortunate situation and what it […]

A Broken Heart

Don’t Get Crushed

When you have a serious crush, it’s a feeling like no other. You catch yourself smiling for no reason and your world feels lighter, somehow sparkly. Thinking about your crush, you’re elated. Like a person with a magical secret. You could fly around your kitchen! It’s wonderful… and nerve wracking.  Falling for someone new is often a time of extreme energy and wonder mixed with goodly portions of self-doubt and anxiety. You’re smitten. Enchanted. Utterly charmed. Now what? During this fantastically magic time, try to keep the following in mind…

A Broken Heart

To Reject & Be Rejected

Rejection. At some point, we all have to dish it out–and we all have to take it. In matters of the heart, rejection is an even scarier monster. But why are we so afraid? Dr. Glenn Croston, author of “The Real Story of Risk,” attempts to answer this question in his recent article, The Thing We Fear More Than […]

A Broken Heart

Single Spotlight: Episode 1

I sat down today with Fernando. He’s a fantastically handsome African-Mexican American. He likes to say he’s, “blacksican.” Fernando is a world class caretaker for the elderly who is also a rockstar on the dance floor. Fernando’s interview will be the first in a series of “single spotlights” where I will get to know different men and women through light conversation about love.  Fernando, tell me about yourself.  I’m in my early 30’s, I live in Richmond CA and I work as a caregiver for a lovely lady who will remain nameless…

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup X

Who says you can’t be friends with someone you’re attracted to – you can. And who says you have to have sex with everyone you’re attracted to – you shouldn’t…

A Broken Heart

The Art Of Not Knowing

“Failure is the condiment that makes success taste so good.” –Truman Capote Capote’s words speak to many aspects of life–but I quote him today as we take a closer look at the art of not knowing in relation to dating and finding love…

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup VIII

Relationships aren’t fun. They’re an inherently not-fun thing you do with someone whom you often have fun with. Just as light is both a particle and a wave, lasting love is a choice as much as it is a feeling…

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