If you’re interested in learning about the Tawkify experience, you’ve probably researched the matchmaking process and even looked up Tawkify reviews. And while that can certainly give you a feel for what to expect from our services, nothing is quite as helpful as hearing from real Tawkify couples.
And that’s where Michael and LaSonya come into the picture.
Michael and LaSonya are two real-life partners who recently sat down and shared their own special Tawkify success story with us. Not only did they get matched through Tawkify, but they fell in love and recently got married!
Below, we’ve highlighted their personal Tawkify testimonial. Follow along to find out more about how Tawkify works and discover the matchmaking journey that took them from going on their first date all the way to happily ever after.
While Michael and LaSonya were both drawn to the allure of Tawkify’s matchmaking experience with the intention of falling in love, they were motivated by slightly different factors.
LaSonya had done her fair share of swiping on dating apps and was feeling disappointed with the results. She found some of her dates to be ingenuine, while others weren’t dating with a purpose. LaSonya was putting in the effort but not finding the caliber of men she was looking to date.
Michael, on the other hand, was entirely new to the modern dating scene. Having recently gotten divorced, he realized he was facing a whole different dating experience in his late 40s than in his early 20s—the last time he was looking for a partner. He was ready to get back into dating, but he really didn’t have an interest in going on the apps and flipping through photos—he wanted something more structured and less risky.
The interesting part about Michael and LaSonya turning to Tawkify is that neither one of them had any experience with matchmaking nor knew anyone who had. In fact, they both thought it was something reserved for fairytales and reality TV shows! That said, they were both willing to give it a shot in the name of love.
Because Tawkify offers different matchmaking options and services, Michael and LaSonya had differing experiences and interactions with matchmakers.
LaSonya said the matchmaker assigned to her listened to her, offered helpful suggestions, and made her feel comfortable making even the smallest, most specific requests—right down to her match having a beautiful smile!
Meanwhile, Michael’s experience was a little different in that he only met with the matchmakers of his potential matches rather than having his own personal matchmaker. He said that he wasn’t very directive at first, so several of his initial dates missed the mark. It wasn’t until he was more descriptive and honest with the matchmakers about what he was looking for in the physical looks department— a “head-turner,” to be specific—that they began to deliver results that aligned with his preferences.
Tired of swiping with no real connections? Tawkify takes a fresh approach to the process. With handpicked matches tailored just for you and personalized introductions, we do the work so you can focus on what matters — meaningful connections.
Based on Tawkify’s matchmakers’ data, research, and interviews, Michael and LaSonya were matched and arranged to go on their first date to meet.
Per Tawkify’s process, Michael and LaSonya both went into the date sight unseen.
LaSonya said she was nervous about the date because she was entirely relying on her matchmaker’s skills. Also, this was only her second date, so she was still new to the process. That said, as soon as she saw Michael walking toward her, she noticed his “big, beautiful smile”—just what was on her wish list!—which she said made her heart warm.
As for Michael, he’d been on several dates through Tawkify, so he was more familiar and comfortable with meeting someone sight unseen, but he was still anxious to find out whether LaSonya would be a good match for him. Upon meeting LaSonya for the first time, it was clearly a different situation than the rest. When asked to describe his first impression of LaSonya, the word he used was “electric.” He instantly thought she was beautiful and described himself as smitten.
Aside from their instant attraction, they shared deep conversations during their first date. They were at ease with each other and felt fulfilled by the discussions they were sharing as they had similar interests and a lot in common. By the end of the first date, LaSonya knew she wanted to arrange a second date with him through Tawkify, as she had no interest in meeting with other matches.
Michael felt the same. They planned a second date—and it was on that second date that they both agreed to exclusively date each other! The rest, they say, is history, as Michael and LaSonya are now married.
Michael and LaSonya both attribute their Tawkify success story to the diligence of their matchmakers. They agree that their matchmakers really listened to them and took into account all of their preferences. However, to get to that point, Michael and LaSonya had to dig deep and really reflect on what they wanted. Michael said he thought the Tawkify approach was unique, as it forced him to be inventive and pinpoint what sparks him.
However, that’s not the only thing that made this real Tawkify couple fall in love. They believe part of their success is due to the fact that they were both dating with intention. Unlike LaSonya’s experience with dating apps in which people were dating without purpose, Tawkify helps bring together those with the same dating goals. Michael and LaSonya were both serious and committed to finding a life partner, which helped, knowing they were on the same page.
Furthermore, Michael and LaSonya said a big part of finding each other involved trusting the process. They provided the matchmakers with all their requests and everything they wanted, and they had to rely on their expertise and experience to deliver the results. And according to LaSonya, her matchmaker provided exactly what she requested!
While everyone’s love story is unique, the fact that they are a real Tawkify couple who found each other through our matchmaking services isn’t unique at all. Michael and LaSonya are just one of many couples who can say they have their own Tawkify success story. To hear more about other happily ever afters, check out our Tawkify success stories.