
Love Science articles include a variety of information on topics such as: attachment styles, love languages, love theory, the effects of love on the brain, and beyond. This is where you will find all love and relationship  facts to learn more about how science and data view the most complex emotion of all -- love.


Matchmaker Says: What is Love?

This week’s question: What is Love? What does it feel like? Matchmaker Melody says: > Wow… I think philosophers, psychologists, theologians and researchers of all > kinds have been grappling with this one for thousands of years…


Marriage Market Takeover

“Sheng Nu” literally translates to “Leftover woman.” Today, Chinese women face immense pressure to get married before they turn 27. In many Chinese cities, so called marriage markets are a common sight, where parents go to post and match personal ads. A number of brave Chinese women have finally stood up to speak their mind against society’s labels and their parents’ pressures…


The Intricacies of Playing “Hard To Get”

We have been performing the cat and mouse act with potential mates for centuries. While many argue the art of being enigmatic and demur is attractive–do we really know that is true? Stanford PhD Jayson Jia, and his associates, embarked on a scientific expedition to determine whether this widely accepted dating practice was actually bona fide…


Matchmaker Says: Be Open-Minded

Matchmaker Boon sent this video out to the team with the subject line: “Oh, the relevance.” We couldn’t agree more. Watch One Girl Design Her Perfect Guy, And Then Meet Him. It’s smart, playful and revelatory…


The Staggering Research On Choosing Mates

E. Jean Carroll occasionally drops a line to the team with a little inspiration or interesting tidbit of research. Aren’t we a lucky bunch?! Her last token to us was a collection of the latest research on all things amour. Enjoy…


Love Science: 2 Traits of Lasting Love

Science says lasting relationships come down to 2 basic traits… Business Insider recently published an article based on the findings of Psychologist John Gottman’s 40-year study of relationships and marriage. Interestingly, this topic of study wasn’t widely examined until the 1970s when the rate of divorce suddenly spiked to unprecedented levels. Gottman was one of the early researchers in the field — culminating over four decades of research, experimentation and analysis. And if you asked him, Gottman would tell you that healthy relationships boil down to two essential traits…


The Heart Beat: Relationship “Do’s” and Oh, please “Don’ts”

Do you observe destructive relationship patterns to which your frustrated friends seem oblivious?  Or perhaps your friends may have tried calling to your attention some observations that you just weren’t ready to hear? Many of us want healthy, romantic connections that can last the test of time… but we are not all — alas — equally adept in the romantic-relationship-nurturing department…


Does Tall, Dark, Handsome and Aloof sound about right?

If you find yourself continually attracted to emotionally unavailable types, check out, “We’ve got to stop procrastinating in unavailable relationships,” and tell us what you think. Why do we sometimes (or always) seek out relationships with people who exhibit clear signs they aren’t “available enough” for a relationship, and are most likely not going to give us what we want or need to be happy in a relationship?


You May Be a Love Addict if…

Most human beings thrive in connected, intimate relationships – of course – but some folks seem to need to be in a romantic relationship more than others. Of course all people feel lonely from time to time — sometimes even in the midst of a relationship — this is part of the human condition. However, some report feeling “empty” until they have a boyfriend or girlfriend, as though they are incomplete if not partnered. They find themselves unable to be happy on their own.  Can you relate to this feeling?

Like the archetypical couples who yearn for their long-lost other halves in the Symposium’s “Origin of Love” myth to use your bodies to meld parted souls back together.

GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU AM: “Love Again” by Run The Jewels

The other week, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who is a new father – we’ll call him Cronus – and we were talking about parental instinct. He lowered his voice conspiratorially, considered the infant in his lap and said, “Sometimes I love my baby so much that I want to […]

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