From the Experts

What are the proper expectations to have while dating, if any at all? Crack the code of dating expectations with matchmaker insights!
From the Experts

Dating Expectations: A Guide to Balanced Relationships

There’s a ton of conflicting information out there about what we should expect in our dating endeavors. We’re also not merely grappling with what to expect, but whether we should even have expectations to begin with. In this epoch, caught somewhere between a sea of casual hooking up, a constant barrage of instant communication, and […]

The Future of Dating: From AI Matchmaking to Inclusivity. Explore Changing Gender Roles, Queer Dating, & Virtual Connections.
From the Experts

The Future of Dating: Embracing Technology and Shifting Dynamics

Modern dating has transformed tremendously, with the rise of dating apps revolutionizing the way people meet and connect. As we all become increasingly digitized, dating apps–in contrast to dating services of old which were often regarded with very mixed feelings–have become the go-to resources for folks seeking love and companionship. A lot of these apps […]

Tired of the dating apps and wanting to try something new? The pros and cons of matchmaking vs dating apps. Which is one right for you?
From the Experts

Matchmaking vs. Dating Apps. Which One Is Right for Me?

Matchmakers at Tawkify are not users of our platform, so from my own experiences and misadventures on dating apps, what I hear from my clients’ and friends’ past experiences, and my own day-to-day professional workflow, I have a relatively objective understanding of the pros and cons of both dating models. In this article, let’s talk […]

The Do's & Don'ts of texting someone new. Matchmaker tips on how to build meaningful connections when dating.
From the Experts

Do’s and Dont’s of Texting a New Love Interest

Hey you! It’s Vince 🙂  So, you’ve met someone new, and you’re embracing modern tech by getting to know them better through text. The early stages of texting someone new can be thrilling, but they can also feel a bit nerve-wracking. We’ve got you covered with some texting tips about how to help you build […]

Understanding attachment styles in relationships and dating is key to finding a compatible partner. Read our guide to learn more!
From the Experts

Attachment Styles in Relationships & Dating

Matchmakers have a palette of tools and resources that we use to garner insight and perspective before we curate connections. Some matchmakers and clients alike both enjoy and find particular value in ideas like astrology, while others may go a more empirical route, delving into things like personality test results and statistical probability of compatibility […]

Follow these crucial dating safety tips and find peace of mind.
From the Experts

12 Essential Dating Safety Tips for Online Daters

Modern dating in the digital age has made it easier than ever to connect with new people. However, it’s important to prioritize your safety and security when getting to know someone new. Whether you’re chatting virtually or planning to meet in person, these dating safety tips will help you navigate the world of online dating […]

What's the secret to lasting love? Building and maintaining friendship in your romantic relationship is key!
From the Experts

The Importance of Building Friendship in Relationships

In the realm of romantic relationships, love and attraction often take center stage. However, there is an often-underestimated ingredient that holds equal importance: friendship. Building a strong foundation of friendship, mutual respect, and shared values is essential for long-term relationship success. In this article, we delve into the significance of friendship in romantic relationships and […]

How to find the right balance between your career or love life? Career-driven people often struggle with this. Learn how you can have both!
From the Experts

Career or Relationship – How to Find the Right Balance for You

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, achieving a healthy work/life balance is a constant challenge. Among the myriad of choices we face, one particular dilemma often arises: should we prioritize our career or our relationships? In the reality of modern dating, striking a harmonious balance between these two aspects of life can be complex, but […]

Explore the age gap dynamics, potential advantages and challenges that arise when dating someone younger than you.
From the Experts

The Pros & Cons of Dating Someone Younger than You – Asked & Answered

In the realm of relationships, age has long been a topic of interest and discussion. As society evolves, so do the dynamics and reality of modern dating, leading to more open-mindedness when it comes to age disparities. However, it’s important to consider the potential advantages and challenges that arise when dating someone younger than you. […]

Just like giving a book a chance, trust the matchmaking process and keep reading after the first few pages.
From the Experts

How Matchmaking Relates to Reading – Tawkify Matchmaking Chronicles

Every Wednesday night, a girlfriend and I play tennis and then grab a margarita afterwards. As we enjoy our libations, our conversation often steers toward another shared hobby: reading. We’re both avid readers and discuss the book (or sometimes books) we finished that week and give each other recommendations.  I recently realized that this weekly […]

When it comes to relationships, money can raise a lot of questions. If you’re dating someone who makes less money than you, follow our guide for advice.
From the Experts

Ask The Experts: Should I Date Someone Who Makes Less Money?

Money isn’t exactly the sexiest of topics, but it does play a big role in the dating world. After all, the presence–or absence–of financial security can significantly impact a couple’s future.  So, let’s say you’ve managed to set yourself up for monetary success, but you’ve started dating someone who makes less money than you. You’re […]

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