All Dating and Relationship Articles

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Ask Renée: Plus-size And Over 50

I decided to write about my adoration of curvy women because there may be more than a few of them out there who don’t know that there are attractive men who want to date them, or lust after them … or marry them…

When it comes to dating and finding a romantic partner, it helps to know what to look for in a relationship. Check out these top qualities to look for in a partner.

Top Qualities to Look for in a Partner, According to Matchmakers

Finding a romantic partner who is the perfect match for you isn’t always an easy feat. After all, there are so many things you need to keep in mind and consider, on top of determining if you even like or love that person in the first place! Because it can sometimes feel overwhelming, we’re here […]

Start Dating

Matchmaker Says: Is Casual Sex the Standard?

We live in a world where contemporary dating culture is saturated with terms like ghosting, hookup, hang-out, swipe left and swipe right. This is not the age of virtuous romantic notions for the masses. This is the age of Tinder…


How To Find Love In All The Right Places

Paul C. Brunson, author of It’s Complicated (But It Doesn’t Have to Be): A Modern Guide to Finding and Keeping Love, hates Valentine’s Day. Find out why on the first episode of Tawk To Me, hosted by Tawkify Matchmaker, Marisha Dixon…

If you’re going through a nasty breakup, then now is the perfect time to focus on ways to love yourself again. Follow our guide for 10 self-love tips to help get you on the right path.
A Broken Heart

10 Ways to Love Yourself Again After Ending a Relationship

Dealing with a break-up can be a doozy. After all, it can do a number on your self-confidence, making you doubt everything about yourself and even feel like you’ve lost a sense of yourself along the way.  Yes, getting out of a relationship and getting over a breakup can be tough, but it doesn’t have […]

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