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All Dating and Relationship Articles

Dealing with rejection can be difficult, but our advice can help. Learn healthy ways for coping with rejection so that you can move on as a more confident person.
A Broken Heart

Learning How to Deal with Rejection in Dating

On the path to finding love, there will be highs and lows along the way, and rejection is just part of it.  Remember that part of healthy relationships is being vulnerable, so it’s only fitting that sometimes you don’t click with someone else—just like someone else’s true self might not be the right fit for […]

There really is no such thing as work-life balance. Hyper focusing on one area of life will lead to neglect in the other.

How To Achieve Work-Life Wellness

If you ask me, there really is no such thing as work-life balance. Hyper focusing on one area of life will lead to neglect in the other. Instead, I believe it’s best to aim for work-life wellness, which is simply when one incorporates practices that lead to healthy, happy performance in each life domain. On […]

It’s not always easy to find closure after a breakup. This handy guide will help your healing journey with tips on how to get closure.
A Broken Heart

How to Get Closure After a Bad Breakup – Moving Forward

Getting over a past relationship and finding closure after a breakup can be challenging. It doesn’t matter if your relationship was toxic with abusive patterns or seemingly perfect; you may find yourself going around in circles, feeling angry, confused, sad—or all of the above. And you’re probably wondering what went wrong, how you could have […]

Wondering if someone is into you? Uncover the top 10 signals of flirting with our helpful list and learn how to flirt back with ease!

10 Tips to Understand & Interpret Flirting Signs

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone’s gestures, words, or even a simple smile left you wondering if they were interested in you romantically? Well, you may have been experiencing the delightful world of flirting!  But how do you know if someone is genuinely interested or just being friendly? We’re here to […]

Wondering what's appropriate first date etiquette? This guide covers everything so you can make a great first impression.
Start Dating

Tawkify Guide: First Date Etiquette

The first date is a crucial stage. It sets the tone for future dates and relationships. If the date goes well, then there is a high chance of moving into something more serious. Knowing how to conduct oneself on a first date is no longer optional, and displaying proper etiquette is an absolute necessity. The […]

Should you start dating again? The importance of knowing how to be happy with yourself before jumping back into the dating pool.
Late Start

Why It’s Important to Be Happy With Yourself Before Dating Again

We’ve all heard these before: learn how to love yourself before you love someone else; only you can make you happy; put on your own oxygen mask first before helping the kid! You can beat yourself over the head with aphorisms until you’re numb, but what about the how and why to be happy by […]

Dating after a divorce? Find out everything you need to know about dating someone going through a divorce and what you can expect.
Late Start

Dating Someone Going Through a Divorce

Modern dating can have its fair share of ups and downs, but dating someone going through a divorce can open a whole other can of worms. From the legal proceedings to the emotional distress, it can be difficult knowing how to navigate this situation with your partner.  In our guide on dating and divorce, we […]

Wondering what dating chemistry is? We delve into the four types of dating chemistry, including tips for navigating them in the dating process.

4 Types of Dating Chemistry Decoded by a Matchmaker

Going on dates and meeting new people is exciting and hopeful, but it can also introduce all sorts of questions, like “Did we really connect?” or “How do I know if we should go on a second date?” It all comes down to dating chemistry, and sometimes that chemistry doesn’t develop during the first date.  […]

The Future of Dating: From AI Matchmaking to Inclusivity. Explore Changing Gender Roles, Queer Dating, & Virtual Connections.
From the Experts

The Future of Dating: Embracing Technology and Shifting Dynamics

Modern dating has transformed tremendously, with the rise of dating apps revolutionizing the way people meet and connect. As we all become increasingly digitized, dating apps–in contrast to dating services of old which were often regarded with very mixed feelings–have become the go-to resources for folks seeking love and companionship. A lot of these apps […]

Is the dating scene making you feel frustrated or defeated? This dating success guide provides expert advice on finding your ideal match.

The Ultimate Guide to Dating Success

Finding a soulmate or even choosing the right companion can often feel like a secret code for only the lucky few to crack. You might find yourself searching for a partner at no avail, picking the wrong types of people, or getting frustrated before you even dip your toes in the dating pool. Yes, dating […]

Spice up your dating life and break out of your comfort zone with our top 10 adventurous dates that are sure to leave an impression.
Date Night

10 Adventurous Date Ideas to Break the Monotony

Calling all adventure seekers! When your dating life needs a little spicing up, leave the dinner-and-a-movie night for later. Instead, opt for adventurous dates that are bound to boost the romance factor and give you both a memory to recount for months to come. But how do you dream up a memorable date that will […]

Understanding attachment styles in relationships and dating is key to finding a compatible partner. Read our guide to learn more!
From the Experts

Attachment Styles in Relationships & Dating

Matchmakers have a palette of tools and resources that we use to garner insight and perspective before we curate connections. Some matchmakers and clients alike both enjoy and find particular value in ideas like astrology, while others may go a more empirical route, delving into things like personality test results and statistical probability of compatibility […]

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