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    Yes, dating in your 30s is different than dating in your 20s, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Follow our guide for advice on finding a match later in life.
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    A Guide to Dating in Your 30s in 2024

    Dating in your 30s can be tricky as it is. With a shrinking candidate pool and fewer opportunities to meet people, there seems to be a shortage of potential partners to choose from as more people are off the market. If you’ve found yourself newly single and navigating the dating scene after a long-term relationship, […]

    Bridget Jones met her Mark at a Christmas party. Wearing that hideous “jumper” and all. She was a hot mess, yet he and she found themselves intrigued/compelled and, well… the rest is fictional history. Is this a universal love fantasy? That you’ll meet your one true love over a turkey carcass or passing a platter of latkes?

    The Heart Beat: In Search Of Mr. (or Mrs.) Darcy

    Bridget Jones met her Mark at a Christmas party. Wearing that hideous “jumper” and all. She was a hot mess, yet he and she found themselves intrigued/compelled and, well… the rest is fictional history. Is this a universal love fantasy? That you’ll meet your one true love over a turkey carcass or passing a platter of latkes?

    Want to know what the best day for a first date is? We’ve got all the answers right here. Read on to find out the best day to date.

    Data Reveals the Best Day to Date

    So, you’ve met someone and want to plan a date. Maybe the venue or activity is top of mind or even the outfit you’ll wear to dress to impress. But have you ever stopped to think about the best day to date?  Tawkify thought about it, too. To get the deets on the best day […]

    What is written in the stars for your zodiac sign? Astrologer Rebecca Gordon answers your astrology and dating compatibility questions.

    Astrology and Dating – Your Compatibility Questions Answered

    Astrology and dating have been intertwined for centuries, with many people turning to the stars for guidance on love and compatibility. But with so much information out there, it can be overwhelming to sift through it all. That’s where astrologer Rebecca Gordon comes in. Here she answers your burning questions about love and compatibility based […]

    Discover Jewish dating rules, customs, and traditions to follow in modern times, and the best way to find your bashert.

    Modern Jewish Dating Rules, Customs & Traditions

    Finding a bashert (soulmate) is a decisive part of a Jewish single’s life. While dating is taken lightly in so many cultures, Jewish dating is a matter of respecting oneself, one’s future partner, one’s family, and Jewish tradition as a whole.  Especially in Orthodox Jewish communities, dating isn’t supposed to be a mere pastime. From […]

    Wondering what's appropriate first date etiquette? This guide covers everything so you can make a great first impression.
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    Tawkify Guide: First Date Etiquette

    The first date is a crucial stage. It sets the tone for future dates and relationships. If the date goes well, then there is a high chance of moving into something more serious. Knowing how to conduct oneself on a first date is no longer optional, and displaying proper etiquette is an absolute necessity. The […]

    Did you know your best friend can be your soulmate? It’s true! In our guide, we explore both platonic soulmates and romantic friendships.

    9 Signs Your Best Friend Is Actually Your Soulmate

    In the world of love and dating, we often hear people talking about searching for their soulmate.  It seems we’re all on the lookout for that special someone who we’re destined to meet and fall in love with because they’re our perfect match.  However, many of us have started wondering whether soulmates have to be […]

    The excitement of dating someone new can cause common sense to take a backseat. Avoid these 7 mistakes to ensure your relationship lasts.

    7 Mistakes to Avoid When Dating Someone New

    When you start dating someone new, the excitement can cause common sense to take a backseat. You may hear stories from friends and think, “I’d never do that,” only to feel completely blindsided when the person you’re talking to winds up being the exact opposite of who you thought they were. We all make dating […]

    Getting used to asking someone’s pronouns will help you avoid gender assumptions and have meaningful interactions from the get-go.

    Navigating Dating Pronouns – Asked & Answered

    You might have noticed people are adding pronouns (like she/her, he/him, they/them) to their social profiles lately. Why is that? It’s simple: some people have gender identities that don’t necessarily conform to the gender binary, which is restricted to male or female. After all, the concept of gender is part of a broad spectrum.   That’s […]


    How to Tell If You’re Dating or In a Relationship

    You’ve been dating for a while and the question looms in the air: are you in a committed relationship? Being in a relationship is very different from dating. While the two ways of interacting are similar, there are certainly precise signs that differentiate the two positions. For starters, people in relationships tend to have higher […]

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