
Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.

Are dating apps bad for mental health? It depends. We explore how dating apps may impact your well-being and what to do to support yourself.

The Mental Health Impact of Dating Apps & Online Dating

Online dating and dating apps play a big role in the modern dating world, but many are beginning to wonder about the psychological effects and mental health impacts of this style of dating.  Are dating apps bad? No, dating apps themselves aren’t inherently bad. In fact, plenty of people have had positive experiences and have […]

Discover the signs and symptoms of dating fatigue, and learn how to properly deal with it so you can start enjoying dating again.

Dating Fatigue – Yes, It’s Okay to Take a Break from Dating

Whether you’ve been going on dates for one month or one year, chances are that you’ve encountered a mix of feelings along the way, from excitement and giddiness to frustration or sadness. Let’s face it: Dating is an emotional journey!  After dating for a while, you might become tired or experience what is known as […]

Should the guy pay on the first date? And should the woman offer regardless? Or, is it best to split the cost fair and square down the middle?

Who Should Pay on the First Date? Modern Dating Customs Explained

If you’re gearing up to go on a first date after it’s been a while, you’re probably experiencing a few first-date jitters. For example, what will you wear? What will you talk about? And perhaps most importantly, who should pay on the first date?  The topic of paying on a first date can be an […]

Can dating and politics mix? You might think that red and blue can’t coexist, but what if we told you that there are ways to make dating someone with different political views work–and, dare we say, work well?

Should You Date Someone With Different Political Views?

Can dating and politics mix?  You might think that red and blue can’t coexist, but what if we told you that there are ways to make dating someone with different political views work–and, dare we say, work well?  These days, there are plenty of reasons to convince yourself that being with someone who leans too […]

The truth about dating a shorter man. See if dating a shorter guy is right for you with our pros and cons list.

Pros & Cons of Dating a Shorter Man – Understand it All

When it comes to the dating world, short guys often get, well, the short end of the stick. There’s a lot of stigma around dating shorter men, but it’s not all rooted in fact. Sure, some short guys lack confidence or fixate on their height, but there are actually a lot of benefits to dating […]

Dating is hard, but it’s not impossible. Our guide to modern dating sets you up for success in 2023 and beyond.

Modern Dating – A Guide to Dating in 2024

Modern-day romance is a beautiful, wild world. Dating has always been evolving, with new terms, etiquette, and avenues for meeting people seemingly every day. Pair a constantly changing dating culture with a post-pandemic world and you have yourself a modern dating swirl of uncertainty.  While there isn’t a how-to for dating–your romantic journey is completely […]

What is Dating? - The Meaning of Dating Defined & Explained

What is Dating? – The Meaning of Dating Defined & Explained

Ah, dating. Sometimes it gets you out of bed in the morning, and other times it makes you want to hide under your fluffiest blanket and never emerge again. Depending on your personality type, dating–or seeing any people socially for that matter–can pump you up or exhaust you. All emotions during the dating process are […]


PDA Meaning Defined & Explained in Love & Relationships

You have probably heard about, talked about, and seen PDA in various situations. But what is it exactly, and how do you navigate the wide world of PDA in your own relationship? With societal norms in place, it can be difficult to know what’s fun and flirty and what might elicit negative reactions. Here, we’ll […]

How to Get a Second Date

How to Get a Second Date

We like to pretend romance is easy; that if it’s meant to be, things will just click. This belies the reality that we have plenty of opportunities to miscommunicate and get it wrong, even if someone is right for us. With that said, let’s discuss some general tips for how to get that second date. […]

Best Way to Answer “What Are You Looking for in a Relationship?”

Best Way to Answer “What Are You Looking for in a Relationship?”

“What are you looking for in a relationship” is a deceptively simple question to answer. Most people have a fast response: “someone to spend time with,” “someone who gets my humor,” “someone who shares my enthusiasm for micro-greens sprouting.” All of these answers are valid. But they aren’t actually answering the question. They are about […]

It’s time to start dating in 2024! But how do you meet someone special? Follow our guide on how to find a good man in the new year.

Finding Love in 2024: How to Find a Good Man

It’s a new year, and you are feeling bright with resolution, especially when it comes to partnership. Perhaps 2024 is the year you’re determined to find your forever person. But how do you find a good man in the first place? Well, believe it or not, there’s a lot more that goes into finding a […]

Here are five things you can do to reset and re-energize your relationship search when you're experiencing dating fatigue.

5 Ways to Combat Dating Fatigue

If you’re ever felt overwhelmed or even hopeless about your romantic prospects you might be experiencing what’s known as dating fatigue. Dating fatigue can come in many forms but it typically shows up as a general indifference about dating, feeling exhausted by the thought of messaging someone back or meeting up for yet another cup […]

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